In the first reading this week we hear about Jonah, who’s defining moment actually came before the beginning of the passage we heard, while he was in the belly of a fish. Fear might hold a couple back from starting a family, or a young person back from accepting a call to priesthood or religious life. Sometimes, fear might even urge us to run from a defining moment. A great many fears of very real things often hold us back from seizing different opportunities and moments.

One of the biggest challenges with creating defining moments is seizing the moments presented.

Following his example, we pray, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” And work to carve out space in our day to listen for God’s word. Through the life of Samuel, though, we see the importance of making space to listen for God. Thankfully, we have the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation to help us do just that.īut even with the help of the Sacraments, it’s easy to go to church frequently or to do all kinds of good things for others yet never hear God’s word. By willingly participating in something greater than themselves, these individuals have become our heroes and their defining moments challenge us to transform the ordinary moments of life into defining moments of our own. We find defining moments in Mother Theresa’s decision to serve the poor or in Saint Francis’ choice to renounce possessions for the Kingdom. While some defining moments arise unexpectedly, they’re also made when we accept the opportunity to participate in something larger than ourselves: in the plan and work of God. So, defining moments are important they shape our understanding and view of the world and when considering the future, we often make choices that hopefully lead to defining moments filled with joy. Two people who come to church can walk away with completely different opinions about the experience when their minds have fixated on different defining moments. A trip filled with many difficult moments can be remembered fondly when one singular moment of joy becomes the defining moment of the journey. For many, a past experience, event or season of life is evaluated not by weighing the ups and downs of the experience as we might when considering future plans, but by specific moments that define the value of the whole. We’ve been reflecting on defining moments.